Villa Tartine

Green Key

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Green Key

Green Key

Because there is no planet B.


We endeavour to do business sustainably with a heart for the climate. Since 2022, we are proud owners of the Green Key label.


A green key accommodation treats the planet's natural resources with care. The label is awarded if the lodging meets criteria related to water, energy, waste, maintenance products, etc.


What we stand for:


A varied breakfast with a minimum of individual packages. Use of organic produce for breakfast where possible. At breakfast, we take into account certain allergies and the breakfast is tailor-made in consultation with the guests. Food leftovers are processed by our pets, two adorable pigs Jack and Jim.





Green key Tine

Sustainable cleaning

All cleaning products are eco-friendly, mainly home-made based on natural ingredients and essential oils.


The room and bedding are aired daily, the sanitary facilities refreshed. We change the towels only when they are on the floor in the shower. Together, we make a (green) world of difference.

Bathroom products in the rooms have an organic label and are not individually packaged.

Join us in reducing water consumption: take a (short) shower instead of a bath, don't leave the water running when brushing your teeth, use a cup instead.


Let us know if you notice a leak somewhere.

Green key badkamerlijn


 We check our water and electricity consumption every month. Lighting is provided by a maximum of economical bulbs (LED) or low consumption.

 Our electricity producer is guaranteed 100% green.

 We use solar panels.

 The flow rate of our plumbing was adapted to eco-standards.

 Use of quality toilet paper with FSC label.

 We do waste sorting: glass-plastic-paper-green waste. Please help us recycle! 


Villa Tartine
Villa Tartine